About me.

Helping people has been a life-long passion of mine.  From a small girl, I've been the person who random strangers will approach and tell their deepest selves to. 

I remember as a child watching Star Trek: The Next Generation (yes, I'm a nerd) and seeing the term EMPATH thrown around, and I recognized myself in that character.

Since then I've spent a lot of years trying to understand that part of myself.  And I want to help others to access that part of themselves, how to protect themselves, as well as how to harness that as a strength and use it for growth.

My family

Like many others, I wear a lot of hats (and a lot of different colors of hair under those hats)...

I became a therapist so that I could reach a lot of people who are struggling to deal with every day life.  I wanted to make a difference for people's ability to cope.  And after getting my counseling license, I worked with the most disenfranchised populations to try and be more resourced than when they came to me.  BUT....the system we have, both mental health and health care are not set up to promote health and wellness.  The money is in sickness and DIS-ease.  The approach that I take is that you are a whole person who seeks to reinforce holistic wellness.  

But the cost of working within this system drained me.  My stress levels were skyrocketing, and although we preach self-care 24/7, having the space to actually put the effort into that was too much.

I decided

That I deserved better...

I learned that traditional models of talk therapy aren't enough (at least for me).  I decided that as a society, women are trained to put the needs of everyone else ahead of their own.  And it's time for that shit to stop.

That's when I found hypnosis and NLP.  I love the idea of tapping into our subconscious (which controls 99.994% of everything we do, including limiting beliefs!) isn't tapped in helping people make life changes. 

I have always as an empath learned to distinguish energies, and how to harness those energies to protect ourselves as well as to change the belief that we don't deserve to be a priority.  And I became passionate about helping others learn about that as well using hypnosis, NLP, coaching, EFT, reiki, and some good old fashioned counseling and psychology techniques to raise the vibration from mental and emotional exhaustion to thriving.

I wanted

A safe space...

A space where it was okay to be my weird, witchy, not fitting-in-neatly-into-the-boxes-where-I'm-expected-to self.  My most SACRED SELF.  I wanted this in all areas of my life--as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter, as a friend--all the roles I fill for myself, my family and my work.  I wanted that for others as well.

So I created Sacred Self.  A hub of connectedness, wholeness, and heart-alignment.  A place where ANYONE and EVERYONE gets to embody (literally) their most sacred self.

A quick word

About your subconscious...

Your subconscious is responsible for 99.994% of everything that happens in our bodies and mind.  Think about it, you mostly do not have to consciously remember to breathe.  Your heart beats without thought, and we have an inner monologue that mostly plays without conscious thought.

You take in about 6.9 billion bits of information every second.  This information comes in through your senses.  Your conscious mind can only hold about 7 pieces of information at a time.  So, your subconscious takes all of that information and either deletes it as unimportant, generalizes, or categorizes that information.  And you do not have a conscious choice in how that happens or what information it keeps.  So with these tools, it gives us a way to access that subconscious and increases communication between the conscious and subconscious mind.  Meaning that we can harness the subconscious to work towards goals that you set consciously!  LOL I know that's a lot to process, but we'll talk about that more in depth!  If any of that information resonates with you, click on the Book a Call Button and let's talk!

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840 Delaware St. Unit 8 Office 1

Lawrence, KS 66049

Phone: 620.704.1500

Email: kristy@sacredselfhypnosis.com

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